Monday 15 April 2019

Welcome Goldie and Blackie

We finally did it!
 We finally reached 1000 dojo points as a class and were allowed to get 2 fish for our class. We had great fun researching to find out which fish would be suitable for our classroom and fit within our budget.
The children were very excited to name them Goldie and Blackie! 
Can you guess which one is which?


Well done to all of the following students for receiving a certificate in assembly.

Leona and Moy at Koru Assembly

Ivanka at Full School Assembly

Josh and James for their help at the 'Working Bee',

Easter Baking

For our end of term measurement unit we headed to the hall kitchen for some Easter baking!  We made biscuits for our friends and family.

Wednesday 10 April 2019

Marble Run Challenge

We have had so much fun designing our very own marble runs. We have learnt a lot about team work, sharing our ideas, listening to others, problem solving, gravity and friction.

(As you can see we used every available space in the classroom)

Monday 1 April 2019

STEM Challenge-Building a Raft

We have been so very excited to be designing and building a raft. We look forward to testing them to see which is the strongest soon!